Who can vote?
[expand title=“Who can vote?“] Students of all studies are eligible to vote at the election of the Austrian Students Union 2019 if the Students’ Union fee has been paid by April 8th. For Biology and Molecular Biology this concerns students of the following studies
- Bachelor of Science Biology & Bachelor of Education Biology
- Master of Science in the Field of (molecular) Biology & Master of Education Biology
- Diploma Education
- PhD in biological Science
Who can I vote?
[expand title=“Who can I vote?“] At the ÖH Elections 2019 you can vote
- One faction for the federal Austrian Students Union
- One faction for the Students Union at the University of Vienna
- 5 people for the Students Representative Council
After the Black-Blue Government 2002 disestablished the direct vote of the representative councils on the faculty and center level, you can only determine them through the election of the Students Representative Council
Has anything changed since the last Elections?
[expand title=“Has anything changed since the last Elections?“]
Yes, for the period 2019 – 2021 there is also a representative council for Molecular Biology. For this, only Master Students of the Studies Molecular Biology, MMEI and Genetics and DevBio can vote if they were inscribed by April 8th.
Additionally, there is a Students representative Council for the Education Studies. All Students of an Education Bachelor or Master can vote the StV Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Fundamental pedagogical Basics). [/expand]
Why should I vote?
[expand title=“Why should I vote?“]
Thousands of voluntary members work every day so that students get through university with as few complications as possible. A high turnout would show appreciation for this effort. In addition, you get to decide the political orientation of your representatives with your vote. [/expand]
I am unsatisfied – what can I do?
[expand title=“I am unsatisfied – what can I do?“]
- You can vote other factions or people
- You can contact the responsible individuals. For example, we in the Student representative council frequently offer advising times where we are glad to listen to your concerns and to improve our work in future.
- You yourself can get involved. You can join at a faction or you can bring your ideas in one of our Plena. Together ideas, that would otherwise be impossible, can be realized.
What ever did the Austrian Students Union do for me?
[expand title=“What ever did the Austrian Students Union do for me?“]
Austrian Students Union
- Campaign against Students Fees
- Frequent meetings with the Ministers, output for example Studierendenheimnovelle
- Legal actions
Students Union at the University of Vienna
- Advising Center for general questions
- Support in emergencies (like financial emergencies, Visa problems or hard problems with the studies)
- Infrastructure for the Representative Councils on study, faculty and center level
- Represents you in the senate and in front of the rectorate
Students Representative Council
- Organization of several events
- Represents you in hiring committees, so that good teaching will also be considered in personnel decisions
- Mentoring for first semesters
- Locally support your concerns regarding your studies
Where can I vote?
[expand title=“Where can I vote?“] At the Students Union Elections 2019 you can vote at the following places the Representatives for Biology or Molecular Biology:
- Polling Station UZA 1 (UWK 22)
- Studentspace in opposite of Seminar room
- Here you can vote the Students Representatives for Biology, for Education and for the Doctorate Natural Sciences
- Polling Station MFPL (UWK 26)
- Floor 1, Room 1.508
- Here you can vote the Students Representatives for Molecular Biology, Biology, Education and for the Doctorate Natural Sciences
All Polling Stations are open at the following times: Monday, 27.05.19: 10am – 7pm Tuesday, 28.05.19: 9am – 8pm Wednesday, 29.05.19: 9am – 3pm [/expand]
Which Factions are participating in the Elections?
[expand title=“Which Factions are participating in the Elections?“]
[expandsub3 title=“Bundesvertretung“]
- Aktionsgemeinschaft
Student faction of the ÖVP, conservative
- Verband Sozialistischer Student_innen in Österreich
Student Faction of the SPÖ, between socialist and social democratic Positions
- Grüne und Alternative Student_innen
Student Faction of the Greens, basisdemocratic
- Unabhängige Fachschaftslisten Österreichs
Student Faction independent of national political parties, left, near to the Fachschaften of Technical Universities
- Junge liberale Studierende (JUNOS)
Student faction of the Neos
- Kommunistischer Student_innenverband – Linke Liste
Israel solidary and basisdemocratic Split-off of the Communist Faction (KSV)
- Ring Freiheitlicher Student_innen
Student Faction of the FPÖ
- No Ma‘am
Fun and Men party
- Kommunistischer StudentInnenverband (Kommunistische Jugend Ö.)
Communist party [/expandsub3] [expandsub3 title=“Universitätsvertretung“] Universitätsvertretung
- Verband Sozialistischer Student_innen in Österreich
Student Faction of the SPÖ, in between socialist and social democratic Positions
- Aktionsgemeinschaft
Student faction of the ÖVP, conservative
- Grüne und Alternative Student_innen
Student Faction of the Greens, basisdemocratic
- Junge liberale Studierende (JUNOS)
Student faction of the Neos
- Kommunistischer Student_innenverband – Linke Liste
Israel solidary and basisdemocratic Split-off of the Communist Faction (KSV)
- Kommunistischer StudentInnenverband (Kommunistische Jugend Ö.)
Communist party
- Linkswende
Strange Trotskyst Party
- Ring Freiheitlicher Student_innen
Student Faction of the FPÖ [/expandsub3] [/expand]
Who is running in the election for the new Students Representatives Councils?
[expand title=“Who is running in the Election for the new Student Representatives Councils?“]
The following people are candidates for the Election of the Austrian Students Union 2019, sorted by Students Representative Councils:
STV Biologie[expandsub5 title=“STV Biologie“]
Schmidtner Felix Korbinian – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Barth Johanna – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Fuhs Marvin – JUNOS
Geier Coralie – INDEPENDENT
Hummer Philipp – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Urbauer Michaela – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Wachtler Verena – INDEPENDENT and current STV
STV Molekulare Biologie[expandsub5 title=“STV Molekulare Biologie“]
Farnhammer Fiona – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Frühbauer Benjamin – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Holstein Elisa – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Hornbachner Ruth – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Kasbauer Rajmund Attila – INDEPENDENT and current STV
STV Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen[expandsub5 title=“STV Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen“]
Barth Johanna – Basisgruppe Lehramt and STV Bio
Domocos Marlaine – Basisgruppe Lehramt and IG Geschichte
Angelika Groß – Aktionsgemeinschaft
Höfler David Roland
Ilisevic Florijan – Aktionsgemeinschaft
Klement Alexander – INDEPENDENT
König Klaus – Aktionsgemeinschaft
Mayer Jasmin – Basisgruppe Lehramt
Murauer Michael Manuel Helmut – JUNOS
Popovici-Sachim Stefan – JUNOS
Töscher Alexandra – Basisgruppe Lehramt
Treml Peter – Aktionsgemeinschaft
Widhalm Matthias – Aktionsgemeinschaft!
Wiesinger Wolfgang – Basisgruppe Lehramt and IG Geschichte
AG as well as Junos are trying to gain influence, although the Basisgruppe Lehramt already exists. This is not something we approve of, as – in our opinion – the Students Representative Council is supposed to be independent of political partys. In our mind, the StudReps could campaign better if they leave factional boundaries aside. Which is why we recommend the election of independent candidates.
Is there a team of experienced people, who run for the new Student Representative Council?
[expand title=“Is there a team of experienced people, who run for the new Student representative Council“]
Yes, there are expericend individuals running in the election of the Austrian Students Union 2019.
The following people from the current STV are running for the future Students Representative Council Biology:
[expandsub5 title=“For the future STV Bio“]
Schmidtner Felix Korbinian – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Barth Johanna – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Hummer Philipp – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Urbauer Michaela – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Wachtler Verena – INDEPENDENT and current STV
The following people from the current STV are running for the future Students Representative Council Molecular Biology:
[expandsub5 title=“For the future STV Molecular Biology“]
Farnhammer Fiona – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Frühbauer Benjamin – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Holstein Elisa – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Hornbachner Ruth – INDEPENDENT and current STV
Kasbauer Rajmund Attila – INDEPENDENT and current STV
For the Students Representative Council Allgemeine Bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (Fundamental pedagogical Basics) we recommend the candidates of the Basisgruppe Lehramt:
[expandsub5 title=“for the future STV ABG“]
Barth Johanna – Basisgruppe Lehramt and STV Bio
Domocos Marlaine – Basisgruppe Lehramt and IG Geschichte
Mayer Jasmin – Basisgruppe Lehramt
Töscher Alexandra – Basisgruppe Lehramt
Wiesinger Wolfgang – Basisgruppe Lehramt and IG Geschichte